Clans are player created communities within Battle Legion.

The member limit for Clans is currently 20. Commanders can join or create a Clan from the Clan 'coat of arms' icon in the bottom left of the Camp and Battle screens.

Clan Features:

Chat: Clan members can chat to each other while playing Battle Legion.

Clan and Player Search: Players can search for a clan and other players.

Unit Shard Donation Requests: Players can request unit shard and donate unit shard to others in exchange for gold.

Clan Raids: In Clan Raids, Clans battle a powerful Boss and its horde of enemies in the Void. Players in the Clan receive rewards based on their participation.

Member Roles

Battle Legion Clans have four member roles, which determine access to features and Clan management. The roles are Leader, Co-Leader, Elder and Member.

Role Privileges:

  • Leader: Has access to every admin feature.
  • Co-Leader:
    • Can edit everything in Clan Settings, except name and tag.
    • Can Demote Elders to Members.
    • Can Kick Elders and Members.
    • Can accept member applications.
    • Can Invite new members.
    • Can take part in Clan chat.
  • Elder:
    • Can kick Members.
    • Can accept member application.
    • Can Invite new members.
    • Can take part in Clan chat.
  • Member:
    • Can take part in Clan chat.