In the Skirmish event, players are faced with daily Skirmish battles, consisting of three waves, spanning seven days. The Event begins on every first Friday of a Season.

Skirmish requires Rank 3 or above. If a player achieves Rank 3 during a Skirmish event, they will be able to take part immediately. All previous daily Skirmishes will also be open and available to complete.

Players can assemble one army to handle the three waves. Modifications to the army are not possible in between waves. The opposing waves of enemies are pre-set according to the players current player rank during the exact time the daily Skirmish unlocks. The Skirmish will reset from any defeat. Each daily Skirmish has a time limit in which players can attempt the Skirmish as many times as they can. If the time limit is reached without successful completion of the Skirmish, the daily Skirmish will lock. Players will be required to pay a progressively increasing fee to re-open a locked Skirmish. Players are rewarded for successful completion of any daily Skirmish.

The opposing waves of enemies are pre-set according to the players current player rank during the exact time the daily Skirmish unlocks.