Important update!
There is an issue currently preventing new links to Apple. The steps below will not help in this current situation. We are working with Apple to resolve this situation and will have an update as soon as possible. If possible, please link to Facebook. If Facebook is not an option for you, please try not to uninstall the game until you have received the update and been able to link to your Apple account.
To ensure that your game account(s) is safe and secure please link it to your Google or Apple account.
To check that your account(s) is linked, open the in-game ‘Settings’ menu and make sure that the buttons below “Facebook” and/or “Sign in with Google/Apple” are green and say “Connected”. See example below. If they are not, then simply tap on the “Connect” button and wait for it to turn green. If the “Connected” button does not remain green, please follow the instructions in this article.
We also highly recommend additionally linking your account to Facebook.
We are fully aware that not all plans execute the way they are intended to. In this light, we do ask all players to make a note of their Player Tags. Player Tags are found in the in-game ‘Settings’ menu and look like ‘@abcde’.
If you have any issues, please do not hesitate to contact Player Support using the speech bubble at the top right corner of this screen.